Computational Modeling of Quasi-Periodic Rudin-Shapiro Multilayered Band Gap Structure


  • Y. Bouazzi Industrial Engineering Department, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • N. Ben Ali Industrial Engineering Department, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • H. Alsaif Electrical Engineering Department, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • A. Boudjemline College of Engineering, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • Y. Trabelsi Physics Department, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
  • A. Torchani College of Engineering, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia


The optical transmission spectra proprieties of the one-dimensional quasi-periodic multilayered photonic structures according to the Rudin-Shapiro distribution are studied theoretically in this paper by using a theoretical model based on the transfer matrix approach for normal incidence geometry. The influence of the layer number has been studied, i.e. the iteration order of the generating sequence of the quasi-periodic structure on the structure spectral behavior and the width of the Photonic Band Gap (PBG). It was found that the width of the PBG is proportional to the index contrast.


Rudin-Shapiro distribution, transfer-matrix method, transmittance, photonic crystal, photonic band gap


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How to Cite

Bouazzi, Y., Ben Ali, N. , Alsaif, H., Boudjemline, A., Trabelsi, Y. and Torchani, A. 2020. Computational Modeling of Quasi-Periodic Rudin-Shapiro Multilayered Band Gap Structure. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 3 (Jun. 2020), 5603–5607. DOI:


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