Past Indexing

In this page, we try to keep a record of indexing sites that used to index ETASR or that still index it but they seem to have incomplete files. We have created this page for preservation (although many of the links may now be dead) and also in an attemt to keep our current indexing & links page easier to follow.

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
DOAJ launched as a community-curated online directory that indexed and provided access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. The aim of the Directory of Open Access Journals when launched was (according to them at the time) to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. ETASR was indexed in DOAJ since 2011, was a Publisher Member of DOAJ in 2013 and was awarded a DOAJ seal in 2020, which was then set to award journals that achieve a high level of openness, adhere to oustanding Best Practice and high publishing standards. However, in August 2024, ETASR was suddenly removed from indexing following an apparent change of DOAJ policy that seems to have abandoned its former policy to apply the same objective criteria, supported by data/evidence, to all journals. For example, DOAJ claimed that a reason for delisting ETASR was the "high number of articles and short review times", failing however to provide any supporting data for that -apparently inaccurate- claim even when we repeatidly requested them to. When we pointed out that there are several journals indexed in DOAJ that publish 10 or 20 times more articles than ETASR and have shorter review times, the response was that journals "are not comparable". ETASR was indexed in DOAJ here.

Clarivate Web of Science (former ISI/Thomson Reuters) / Master Journal List / Emerging Sources Citation Index
The Web of Science / Web of Knowledge collection/services were initially owned and maintained by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). It was purchased by Thomson Reuters in 1992 and renamed Thomson ISI for some time after. It was again sold to Onex Corporation and Baring Private Equity Asia in late 2016. The new company was named Clarivate Analytics. In 2018, Clarivate re-established an ISI within its structure. Several alterations in the nature and names of services, lists and products have occured over the years (and different ownerships). ETASR was added to Web of Science and the Master Journal List from late 2015 to mid 2024, through the Emerging Sources Citation Index. ETASR's Clarivate Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) over the years was 0.12 (2018), 0.24 (2019), 0.33 (2020), 0.37 (2021), 0.49 (2022) and 0.55 (2023), its Clarivate JCI Quartile Ranking for 2023 was Q2, and its Clarivate Journal Impact Factor (JIF) was 1.5 (2023). ETASR cooperated with Clarivate to launch a "Web of Science Author Connect" campaign in 2023 which can be found here. ETASR was indexed in Web of Science Core Collection and Master Journal List here

According to their site: "Citefactor is a service that provides access to quality controlled Open Access Journals. The Directory indexing of journal aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system". You can find ETASR indexed in CiteFactor here.

Eurasian Scientific Journal Index
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index claims to provide indexing of major international journals and proceedings. Its purpose is claimed to be to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals. You can find ETASR indexed in ESJI here although the entry seems to not have been updated for some time now.

Scientific Indexing Services
According to their site: "Scientific Indexing Services was started from a group of 70 scientist from various countries in different disciplines with the specific objective of providing quality information to researchers. SIS offers citation indexing and analysis, and maintains its own citation database covering thousands of academic journals, books and proceedings". You can see ETASR indexed in SIS here although the entry seems to not have been updated for some time now.

Systematic Impact Factor
Systematic Impact Factor (SIF) claims to provide a Systematic Investigation of the quality of Journals based on quality parameters like citation report of journal, editorial board, online infrastructure of journal, acceptance/rejection ratio of journal, internationalisation of journal, paper publication quality etc. ETASR was indexed in SIF and could be found by searching their list here but it seems to have been removed now.

International Impact Factor Services
IIFS claimed to be founded by 70 different scientists from various countries and disciplines. Its goal was to provide academic database services to researchers that include citation, indexing and analysis of academic journals, books, proceedings etc. ETASR's current IIFS is 1.223. ETASR is indexed in IIFS here, but there is no indication that the entry has been updated any time in the past few years.

General Impact Factor
General Impact Factor (GIF) calimes to provide quantitative and qualitative journal ranking. According to their site "GIF reflects the average number of citations to articles published in journals and any other approved documents. Therefore, it is measure of the relative importance of a journal within its field". ETASR's current GIF is 1.4491. You can see ETASR indexed in GIF here although there is no indication that the entry has been updated any time in the past few years.

Advanced Science Index
Advanced Science Index claims to be an indexing service that indexes scholarly journals in all areas and fields of science. It aims at rapid evaluation and indexing of all local and international journals. ASI also claclucaltes and publishes ASI-Scores for journals, considering several factors (Scientific quality, Editorial diversity and quality, International availability, On-time publication, Technical quality). The ASI-Score for ETASR was 1.7 (2019). ASI seems now to use another ASI factor and its current value for ETASR is 0.17, however the data shown for our journal are rather incomplete. You can see ETASR indexed in ASI here.

InfoBase Index
InfoBase Index claimed to be a comprehensive, multipurpose database covering scholarly literature that  published the IBI Factor. The IBI Factor for ETASR for 2015 was 3.38 (unfortunately we have lost the link). However, it was never a very accurate site e.g. claiming that our starting year was 2012 (instead of 2011) and it is now dead.

Scope Database
Scope Database was supposed to be an Indian organization, formed by a group of researchers. Scope Database claimed to offer a collection of bibliographic citation database of scholarly scientific journals, conference proceedings, trade journals and book series. ETASR was indexed in Scope Database here but the site is now dead.

Cosmos Impact Factor
Cosmos Foundation claimed to offer academic database services and indexing of academic journals, books and to provide quantitative and qualitative tools for ranking, evaluating and categorizing Journals. The evaluation is supposed to carried out by considering factors Like Paper Originality, Citation, Editorial Quality, and Regularity & International Presence. The Cosmos Impact Factor of ETASR for 2018 was 4.970. You can see ETASR indexed in Cosmos here but the data seem to not have been updated for some time now.

Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE)
OAJSE started as an Open Access E-Journal Portal of Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU) aiming to cover free, full text, quality controlled journals. ETASR could be found in OAJSE here but the site seems to have changed its structure and the link is now void..

ScienceGate OAI Harvester
As claimed at their site "the aim of Sciencegate is to make scientific literature from the open access segment available free of charge on the internet. Sciencegate is an initiative of the company Novalogix AG. In order to achieve this goal, scientific data from over 4,500 universities and open access journals are collected, categorised and refined in the Sciencegate internal database, which currently contains over 270 million data records relating to scientific articles". You can find several entries for ETASR in ScienceGate using its full title.

ScienceGate claimed that its goal was to support all scientific and educational communities to facilitate achieving their goals through the best path and that the ScienceGate team tried to make this possible by providing and developing several unique services gathered in a web platform. ETASR was indexed in ScienceGate here but the link is dead now. Update: it seems that a new page has surfaced here.

SciTitles was a free service claimed to help you keep track of your favorite journals and be up to date with new table of contents published by these journals using the RSS feeds provided by the publisher. ETASR was indexed in SciTitles here but the site is dead now.

Open Science Directory
The Open Science Directory was developed by EBSCO and the Hasselt University Library and it aimed to create a global search tool for all open access and special programs journal titles, along with direct links to the journals. ETASR was indexed in OSD here but the link seems to be dead now.

Open Access Library (OALib)
OALib claimed to host links and metadata to more than 2,069,219 open access articles covering a wide range of academic disciplines. You can see ETASR indexed in OALib here however the indexing data are rather incomplete.

Electronic Journals Library
The Electronic Journals Library claimed to be a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It claimed to offer a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online. ETASR was indexed in EJL here but the link is now irrelevant.

Academic Journals Database
Academic Journals Database claimed to be a universal index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge and to contain complete bibliographic citations, precise indexing, and informative abstracts for papers from a wide range of periodicals. ETASR is indexed in Academic Journals Database here but the indexing data are rather incomplete.

Open Academic Journals Index
Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) claims to be a full-text database of open-access scientific journals. Its stated mission is to put together an international platform for indexing open-access scientific journals. OAJI also publishes the OAJI Impact Factor. ETASR's OAJI IF for 2012 was 0.506. Since, they seem to publish another value (CGIJ OAJI) which is 0.201 for ETASR. However, the indexing data seem are rather incomplete. You can see ETASR indexed in OAJI here.

Global Impact Factor
Global Impact Factor (GIF) claimed to provide a quantitative and qualitative tool for ranking, evaluating and categorizing journals in relation to academic evaluation and excellence. ETASR Global IF was 0.345 for 2012, 0.432 for 2013 and 0.609 for 2015 (see the journals list here) but there is no new calculation since. You can see ETASR indexed in GIF here.

Journal Guide
JournalGuide is a free tool created by a group of software developers, former researchers, and scholarly publishing veterans at Research Square. You can see ETASR indexed in Journal Guide here but the indexing data are incomplete/incorrect.

Scientific Journal Impact Factor
The SJIF Journals Master List claims to include over 18000 journals and publishes an annual report. The SJIF is supposed to be calculated considering factors such as: Scientific Quality, Internationalization, Stability, Technical quality, Standards, Editorial Quality and Print and website score. ETASR's SJIF was: 3.447 (2012), 5.078 (2013), 5.205 (2014), 6.044 (2015), 6.768 (2016), 6.887 (2017), 6.912 (2018), 7.05 (2019), 6.387 (2020), 6.342 (2021), 6.065 (2022), 6.065 (2023). You can see ETASR indexed in SJIF here

Journal Factor
JOURNAL FACTOR claimed to be a globally recognized forum for promoting research work and knowledge. ETASR was indexed in Journal Factor here but the link seems to be dead now.

Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOCs)
Journal Tocs is for anyone who's looking for the latest or most current papers published in the scholarly literature with international coverage. Academics, librarians, students, researchers, and anyone else should find it useful. You can see ETASR in Journal TOCs here, however it seems that the site focuses on showing only the latest published articles.

Open Access Articles
Open Access Articles was an online directory that indexed and provided access to quality open access, peer-reviewed articles information. Its aim was to increase the visibility of open access scientific and scholarly journals, articles, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. ETASR was indexed in OAA here, however the site seems to be dead now.

Journal Rate
Journal Rate was a free tool of its kind allowing academics to search a database of thousands of academic journals and easily find a suitable journal to submit their research. Author could leave their feedback for each journal. ETASR was indexed in Journal Rate here, but the site seems to be dead now.

Index Copernicus
Index Copernicus (IC) is an online database including scientist profiles, institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland. The database has several productivity assessment tools which allow tracking the impact of scientific works and publications, individual scientists, or research institutions. In addition to the productivity aspects, the Index Copernicus also offers the traditional abstracting and indexing of scientific publications. ICV value for ETASR (2011): 5.09. However, indexing seems to be rather incomplete. In any case, you can find ETASR indexed in Index Copernicus here.

Open J-Gate
Open J-Gate claimed (back in 2006) that it was an index directory dedicated to the promotion of the Open Access movement for scholarly journals. ETASR was indexed in Open J-Gate here . However, all these links are now dead as the Open J-Gate site went down in 2012 and when a new site came up with the same name (but different address), it provided a subscription based operation.

The Journal Database (TJDb)
The Journal Database partnered with independent scholarly publishers, societies, associations, and university presses to facilitate the digital dissemination of journals, reference works, books, and proceedings. TJDB also calculated the TJDB impact value (ETASR TJDB IV was 0.13 here). However, their entry/data keeping was rather inaccurate (e.g. they claimed that ETASR was based in Albania instead of Greece) and the site seems to be dead now.

New Jour
A directory focused on new journals and newsletters available on the internet. ETASR was indexed in New Jour (here) but the link is inactive now (obviously, ETASR is not that new anymore).

A scientific research tool with over 410 million scientific items indexed that was recently retired. Sicrus allowed researchers to search for not only journal content but also scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents and institutional repository and website information. ETASR was indexed in Scirus until the plug was pulled.

International Society of Universal Research in Sciences - EyeSource
International Society of Universal Research in Sciences (EyeSource) claimed to be a scientific body aiming to promote research about facts and dynamics in real world. EyeSource also claimed to be a non-profit, non-governmental organization with the purpose to provide an electronic platform to academics/researchers to publish their work. ETASR was indexed in EyeSource here, however the link is now dead and the site seems now to be oriented to posting short articles about technology products.

Know Journals was an academic and research service providing information about journals of various specializations. It also gave the option to submit the research work to KnowJournals so that KnowJournal will then submit it to the journal that fits your research parameters. the acceptance and /or rejection policies lies with respective journal's policy only. ETASR was indexed in KnowJournals here, but the site seems to now be abandoned.

Directory of Research Journal Indexing
DRJI provided ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. ETASR was indexed in DRJI here. However, it was not a very accurate site (they insisted that ETASR 's discipline was anthropology) and the original link is now dead (a new site has emerged).

Rock Your Paper
Rock Your Paper was a search platform focusing on OA data. They claimed to have search capabilities and exclusive content from universities, libraries and institutions which other regular search engines can't crawl. ETASR was indexed in RYP here however the site seems to have been taken down.

Open Access Library (JourLib)
JourLib was hosting links and metadata to more than 2,156,417 open access articles covering a wide range of academic disciplines. ETASR was indexed in JourLib here, but the site seems to be dead now.

Journal Directory
An indexing site hosted by the Institue of Research and Community Outreach, Petra Christian University, Indonesia. ETASR was indexed in Journal Directory here but it seems that the service is now closed-access.

Quality Factor
Quality Factor is published by Non-Olympic Times, a not-for-profit organization based in India and is basically calculated by assigning a certain value to each characteristic of a journal. ETASR was awarded a Quality Factor of 1.00 for 2016 (link).

Universal Impact Factor
UIF maintained academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. UIF focuses on: citation indexing, citation analysis, and maintained citation databases covering thousands of academic journals. UIF provided a detailed report of individual journals for further improvement. The articles citation database was maintained by UIF's own Knowledge database service. This database also helped researchers to identify which articles have been cited most frequently, who has cited them and to find out the journal's Universal Impact Factor {UIF}. UIF also published the annual Journal Feedback Report which lists an overall improvement of journals that it tracks. ETASR's UIF was 0.2093 (2012) and 0.9506 (2013). ETASR was indexed in UIF here but the site seems to be dead now.

Latest Journal Aticles
A website that provided info & links to the latest journal articles. ETASR was indexed in LJA here but the site seems to be dead now.

ABCD Indexing
A website that provides some basic info on journals and also claims to allows users to post comments regarding the journals. You can see ETASR indexed in ABCD here.

Access For All
The web-site of a group of professionals from all over Europe that have worked for many years in the field on disability, with focus towards full inclusion of people with disabilities. A post about ETASR in "Access For All" could be found here but the site seems to be dead now.

TALOS High Voltage Test Station
An open air high voltage test station that was constructed in Crete, Greece. Talos operated as a research and testing center up to 2021. Since then, the access to the site has been restricted as the site has been kept alive simply for archival reasons. Relevant research however has been published in ETASR. The site included a detailed publication here, also under restricted access now.

Publons was a commercial website that provided a free service for academics to track, verify, and showcase their peer review and editorial contributions for academic journals. It was launched in 2012 and was bought by Clarivate in 2017. In 2019, Publons was integrated with the Web of Science and ResearcherID in 2019 and its stand-alone site ceased to exist in 2022. ETASR was idnexed in Publons here but the link now directs to the Clarivate home page.

ResearchGate is a professional network for scientists and researchers with more than 6 million members. its mission is to connect researchers and make it easy for them to share and access scientific output, knowledge, and expertise. ETASR was indexed in ResearchGate and was awarded an Impact Factor of 0.13 (2016), 0.24 (2017) and 0.36 (2018) (until ResearchGate stopped calculating impact factors). ETASR was indexed in ResearchGate here but this page now returns no result.

ReviewerCredits is a cross-publisher reviewer reward and recognition platform. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research collaborated with ReviewerCredits for a number of years in an effort to promote the concept of different publishers providing tangible rewards to reviewers that have completed reviews for any participating publisher. ETASR's Editor-in-Chief (Dr D. Pylarinos) acted as a National Ambassador (Greece) for Reviewer Credits from August 2020 to March 2024. He resigned in March 2024 following a shift in their direction, way of operation and personnel. You can see ETASR in ReviewerCredits here


- ETASR is not responsible neither can edit all the data posted in all the above pages. Therefore, we take no responsibility for errors

- The basic characteristics/description of each site are mentioned as found (at the time) on their page.

- If you think that your website should be listed here, please contact the editor at