Design of Deep Learning Techniques for PCBs Defect Detecting System based on YOLOv10


  • Sumarin Ruengrote Engineering Technology, Graduate School, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand
  • Kittikun Kasetravetin Engineering Director, Madesco Intelligence Co. Ltd., Thailand
  • Phanuphop Srisom Robotics and Lean Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand
  • Theeraphan Sukchok Analytic Solution, Tspacedigital Company, Thailand
  • Don Kaewdook Robotics and Lean Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18741-18749 | December 2024 |


As Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are critical components in electronic products, their quality inspection is crucial. This study focuses on quality inspection to detect PCB defects using deep learning techniques. Traditional widely used quality control methods are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to human errors, making the manufacturing process inefficient. This study proposes a deep-learning approach using YOLOv10. Through the incorporation of architectural improvements such as CSPNet and PANet that improve feature extraction and fusion, as well as a dual assignments mechanism that increases localization accuracy, YOLOv10 offers significant improvements over earlier versions, such as YOLOv5 and YOLOv8, and Faster R-CNN models. These innovations allow YOLOv10 to deliver superior performance in terms of both speed and precision. The experiments used a custom dataset consisting of 1,260 PCB samples collected from the industry. The dataset was partitioned into 80% for model training and 20% for testing. The model was trained for 100 epochs with a batch size of 32 to evaluate its performance in identifying various PCB defects. YOLOv10, with its optimized architecture, fully utilized its capabilities while requiring less computational power than YOLOv5 and YOLOv8, especially in resource-constrained environments. Despite resource constraints, YOLOv10 achieved high accuracy, with a precision of at least 96% and a recall of 97%, surpassing earlier YOLO models and Faster R-CNN. It also achieved 99% mAP and more than 96% F1 score. These improvements in speed and accuracy make YOLOv10 a highly efficient solution for automated PCB inspection, reducing manual effort and offering fast and accurate classification adaptable to various applications.


Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), quality inspection, YOLOv10, Beluga Whale Optimizer (BWO)


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How to Cite

Ruengrote, S., Kasetravetin, K., Srisom, P., Sukchok, T. and Kaewdook, D. 2024. Design of Deep Learning Techniques for PCBs Defect Detecting System based on YOLOv10. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18741–18749. DOI:


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