Structural Analysis of Latticed Steel Transmission Towers Subjected to Nondeterministic Wind Loads


  • Mariana Souza Rechtman Civil Engineering Postgraduate Programme (PGECIV), State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil
  • Jose Guilherme Santos da Silva Structures and Foundations Department (ESTR), State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18048-18054 | December 2024 |


Lattice steel towers are commonly used to support overhead power transmission lines. However, the dynamic behavior of these structures is often overlooked in current design practices. Given that many accidents involving these towers occur even at basic wind speeds lower than those specified in the project, it is likely that dynamic actions play a significant role in these failures. This study proposes a method to accurately simulate the interaction between transmission line cables and towers under non-deterministic wind loads to assess displacements and forces in the steel towers. The study examines a transmission line system consisting of towers, conductors, shield wires, and insulators, featuring a central suspension tower of 32.86 m in height, flanked by two end towers with 450 m spans. Finite element modeling was developed to account for the dynamic characteristics of the wind. Wind loads were modeled as a random process based on their statistical properties. The results revealed significant differences in displacement and force values when comparing the results provided by static and dynamic analyses. The structural design of a base leg member indicated potential failure at higher wind velocities, highlighting the importance of considering the wind dynamic effects in the design.


latticed steel towers, power transmission lines, nondeterministic wind loads, dynamic analysis


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How to Cite

Souza Rechtman, M. and Santos da Silva, J.G. 2024. Structural Analysis of Latticed Steel Transmission Towers Subjected to Nondeterministic Wind Loads. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18048–18054. DOI:


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