Integrating Wetlands as Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Built Environments

A Comprehensive Review


  • Anushri Barman Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India
  • Fulena Rajak Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India
  • Ramakar Jha Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18670-18680 | December 2024 |


Wetlands are ecosystems that can provide numerous services critical for sustainable development, especially in urban areas, by ensuring environmental stability. The wetlands receive increasing recognition as Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) to environmental challenges. This review synthesizes the numerous roles of wetlands as NBSs for promoting sustainability in both rural and urban environments and highlights the potential contributions of multiple wetland services and benefits towards sustainable built environments. The review methodology involved an article search from various databases with the utilization of specific keywords in an organized framework to understand the contribution of wetlands as NBSs. The articles were reviewed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing research on the associated topics, focusing on specific sub titles and pre-selected themes. The findings of this review identify various parameters through which wetlands contribute to sustainable built environments, including ecological resilience, storm water management, climate adaptation, biodiversity enhancement, recreational opportunities, pollution control, and cultural values. The review also encompasses case studies of different types of wetland features such as riparian buffer zones, retention ponds, reed beds, bio swales, rain gardens, constructed wetlands, etc. in the urban environment and their contribution as NBSs. These contributions are discussed in terms of integration in urban development planning in different segments. Future work recommendations consist of a holistic integration of wetlands into urban planning and design considerations to promote more resilient, healthy, and sustainable built environments for present and future generations.


nature-based solutions, sustainable built environment, ecosystem based adaptations, sustainable urban development, ecological resilience, pollution control


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How to Cite

Barman, A., Rajak, F. and Jha, R. 2024. Integrating Wetlands as Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Built Environments: A Comprehensive Review. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18670–18680. DOI:


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