Performance of Steel Beams reinforced by CFRP Sheets with Fire-Retardant Coating


  • Majid M. Kharnoob Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Ahmed Al Zand College of Fine Arts, Alturath University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Doaa H. Khalaf College of Fine Arts, Alturath University, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Lana M. Sabti Transportation Department, College of Engineering, Almustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18902-18910 | December 2024 |


The objective of this study was to determine the physical, mechanical, and chemical aspects of bonding and priming Fire-Retardant Coatings (FRCs) to steel surfaces before and after fire testing. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) have been used to strengthen steel components. Certain types of polymer systems have demonstrated high fire retardancy without additives, while others require additives to achieve optimum fire resistance. A wide range of compounds are available to enhance the fire retardant properties of these materials, characterized by their chemical nature and behavior (such as halogenated, metal complex, silicon-based, and phosphorus additives) and mode of action (either condensed or gas-phase active systems).This article provides a comprehensive overview of fire retardant additives for CFRP used in various large-scale applications, including the aerospace, automotive, railway, electronics, and civil engineering industries, as well as their fire retardant mechanisms at the microscopic, macroscopic, and nanoscale levels. In addition to fire retardant properties, this study also discusses the effects of additives on other material parameters and coatings, such as glass transition temperature, mechanical performance, and FRP processability. The primary focus is on thermoset systems, with a brief mention of thermoplastics according to the matrix compounds relevant to the FRP market size. Test results show that the direct velocity ultrasonic value varied between 3.016 and 3.618 km/s, giving an estimated compressive strength of 15.974 MPa. The standard deviation was 0.533 km/s with a relative standard deviation of 16.407%.


steel coating, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP), fire-retardant, epoxy bond


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How to Cite

Kharnoob, M.M., Al Zand, A., Khalaf, D.H. and Sabti, L.M. 2024. Performance of Steel Beams reinforced by CFRP Sheets with Fire-Retardant Coating. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18902–18910. DOI:


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