Monte Carlo Modeling and Simulation of Electron Dynamics in Low Temperature Methane Gas


  • Abdelatif Gadoum LRPPS Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Material Sciences, Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University, Algeria | Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energies Laboratory, Chlef University, Algeria
  • Djilali Benyoucef Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energies Laboratory, Chlef University, Algeria
Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 18153-18159 | December 2024 |


This study examines the collisions of electrons with methane molecules to determine the cross-sections required for calculating electron transport coefficients in methane gas. Employing Monte Carlo Simulations in MATLAB, critical transport characteristics, including electron mobility and diffusion coefficients, were computed. These simulated coefficients are subsequently compared to experimental data to validate the accuracy of the current study’s findings. This comprehensive approach ensures the precision of the performed calculations and their alignment with empirical evidence, thereby enhancing the understanding of the complex interactions and dynamics between electrons and methane molecules in this system.


monte carlo simulation, electron transport coefficients, electron-methane collision, low-temperature physics, gas discharge modeling


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How to Cite

Gadoum, A. and Benyoucef, D. 2024. Monte Carlo Modeling and Simulation of Electron Dynamics in Low Temperature Methane Gas. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 6 (Dec. 2024), 18153–18159. DOI:


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