Influence of Slenderness Ratio and Sectional Geometry on the Behavior of Steel braced Frames


  • Diyar Yousif Ali College of Engineering, University of Zakho, Iraq
  • Raid Ahmed Mahmood College of Engineering, University of Zakho, Iraq
Volume: 14 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 14282-14286 | June 2024 |


Diagonal bracings are installed in frame structures, functioning as members for lateral resistance and energy dissipation. The objective of this study is to assess the hysteresis response behavior of circular hollow steel bracing. Energy dissipation, a key consideration in choosing brace parameters, plays a crucial role in enhancing seismic performance. This study highlights the cyclic response of three Finite Element (FE) modeled steel braces with variable steel diameter and wall thickness. The design method is additionally confirmed through FE models experiencing hysteresis loadings, suggesting that this approach can secure the overall stability of bracing and is well-suited for practical engineering implementations.


energy dissipation, diagonal bracings, Circular Hollow Steel (CHS), ABAQUS


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How to Cite

Ali, D.Y. and Mahmood, R.A. 2024. Influence of Slenderness Ratio and Sectional Geometry on the Behavior of Steel braced Frames. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 3 (Jun. 2024), 14282–14286. DOI:


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