A Numerical Analysis on the Performance and Optimization of the Savonius Wind Turbine for Agricultural Use


  • Dan Glasberg Aerospace Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania | Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbine COMOTI, Romania
  • Sergiu Stratila Aerospace Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania | Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbine COMOTI, Romania
  • Ion Malael Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbine COMOTI, Romania
Volume: 14 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 12621-12627 | February 2024 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6543


Given the state of the world nowadays, renewable energy is becoming more and more essential rendering wind turbine electricity quite important. Its shape and the fact that the Savonius vertical axis wind turbine runs at relatively low wind speeds with high torque values makes it suitable for practical uses such as that of an irrigation system in agriculture industry. This paper utilizes numerical research with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to investigate the performance of a vertical-axis wind turbine. The ANSYS CFD program was engaged to construct the simulations during the pre- and post-processing stages. Wind speed remained constant while the angular velocity was altered to enable analysis of the flow through the wind turbine. Because of its mechanical simplicity, the primary profile of a semicircle has remained a typical option for turbines that generate high torque based on drag force. The effects of using elliptical curves and the fluctuation in thickness along the profile chord were both examined in this study. Equivalently, an attempt to optimize the rotor's design was made. After the performance of a numerical simulation, a geometry consisting of simple circle arcs was developed, with a 10.9% improvement in the power coefficient, analogous to prior optimizations with more complicated geometries. The numerical results derived include the torque coefficient evolution throughout a full rotation as well as the distribution of vorticity magnitude at different rotor points.


renewable energy, VAWT, Savonius, CFD, power coeffcient, TSR


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How to Cite

Glasberg, D., Stratila, S. and Malael, I. 2024. A Numerical Analysis on the Performance and Optimization of the Savonius Wind Turbine for Agricultural Use. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 1 (Feb. 2024), 12621–12627. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6543.


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