Design and Implementation of an IoT-based automated EC and pH Control System in an NFT-based Hydroponic Farm


  • Swati Jain Sharda University, India
  • Mandeep Kaur Sharda University, India
Volume: 14 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 13078-13081 | February 2024 |


In hydroponics, the growth of plants is primarily dependent on the precise configuration of the nutrient solution supplied to them. Continuous monitoring and control of the nutrients in the hydroponic tank is essential to maintain optimal growth requirements at all times. Manual monitoring and control of the system is inefficient, as it requires human intervention and can lead to errors and variations in the nutrients supplied. This study presents a system to automatically track pH, current nutrient, and water level in the tank and supply the exact amount of pH solution, nutrient solution, and water whenever needed. The proposed system, when integrated with IoT technology, can help achieve better control over the farm and higher productivity with a reduced amount of manual labor.


internet of things, hydroponic, nutrient control, automation, algorithm, dosing system, EC, pH


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How to Cite

Jain, S. and Kaur, M. 2024. Design and Implementation of an IoT-based automated EC and pH Control System in an NFT-based Hydroponic Farm. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 14, 1 (Feb. 2024), 13078–13081. DOI:


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