An Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flexural Performance of Lightweight Concrete Beams reinforced with GFRP Bars


  • Mohamed A. El Zareef Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia | Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt
Volume: 13 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 10776-10780 | June 2023 |


Occasionally it is more crucial to lower the mass of a building component than to improve its rigidity, specifically in massive buildings like long-span structures where the self-weight of the floors is one of the significant challenges that engineers confront. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to explore the flexural performance of Lightweight Concrete Beams (LWCBs) reinforced with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars in terms of curvature, cracks and failure modes, deflection, material stress-strain relationship, and joint end rotation. The flexural performance of LWCBs reinforced with varied GFRP bars and Steel Reinforcement (SR) ratios is assessed and compared to that of Normal Concrete Beams (NCBs) reinforced with SR. Numerical analytical models for the tested beams were created utilizing the iDiana software. Both analytical and experimental test results were compared. The study revealed a high correlation between the findings of Finite Element Models (FEMs) and those acquired from beam testing. The performance of LWCBs that utilized SR was equivalent to that of NCBs. The GFRP-reinforced LWCBs performed mostly as elastic deformed elements, with just little deflection post-load release. The study emphasized the significant potential for employing LWC and GFRP bars in the construction field's growth.


flexural behavior, LWC beams, GFRP bars, FEM of LWC beam


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How to Cite

El Zareef, M.A. 2023. An Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Flexural Performance of Lightweight Concrete Beams reinforced with GFRP Bars. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 3 (Jun. 2023), 10776–10780. DOI:


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