Impact of Leachate Recirculation on the Stabilization of Municipal Solid Waste in Anaerobic Bioreactors of Different Compositions


  • Omar Amer Hussein Environmental Engineering Department, Baghdad University, Iraq
  • Jathwa Abd-Alkareem Ibrahim Environmental Engineering Department, Baghdad University, Iraq
Volume: 13 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 10646-10651 | June 2023 |


The aim of the current study is to determine the impacts of leachate recirculation on the degradation of three compositions of municipal solid waste in anaerobic bioreactors. The study was completed by using six columns with equal volume (0.042m3) containing different densities and compositions of solid waste, in order to follow waste degradation over a limited time. Three compositions of waste were studied: simulated fresh waste of standard composition, simulated fresh waste of fermentable composition, and actual aged waste. Measurements of the significant parameters including pH, leachate conductivity, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and waste settlement, were carried out. The quantity of oxidized organic matter was increased by the leachate recirculation, and the degradation period was reduced by using leachate recirculation. After 300, 150, and 480 days, waste stabilization seemed to be reached for fresh, aged, and fermentable waste, whereas the organic content decreased to 650, 480, and 4000mg COD/L, respectively.


chemical oxygen demand, leachate recirculation, bioreactor, solid waste stabilization


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How to Cite

Hussein, O.A. and Ibrahim , J.A.-A. 2023. Impact of Leachate Recirculation on the Stabilization of Municipal Solid Waste in Anaerobic Bioreactors of Different Compositions. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 3 (Jun. 2023), 10646–10651. DOI:


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