The Effects of Superstatistics Properties on Hot Plasma


  • S. Dilmi Laboratory of Operator Theory and PDE, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of El Oued, Algeria
  • F. Khalfaoui Laboratory of Operator Theory and PDE, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University of El Oued, Algeria
  • A. Boumali Laboratory of Applied and Theoretical Physics, University Larbi Tébessi, Algeria
Volume: 12 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 9342-9346 | October 2022 |


The electron impact ionization is a crucial atomic process in the collisional radiative model and the study of ionization balance. The superstatistics theory, which was originally proposed for the study of non-equilibrium complex systems, has recently been extended to studies of small systems interacting with a finite environment due to their interesting statistical behavior. This paper introduces the superstatistics formalism in the case of ionization rates with different values of the dynamical parameter q and shows how it affects the calculation of the ionization rates for Li+. Moreover, the distribution function for the effective Boltzmann factor of superstatistics was swapped.


ionization rates, Boltzmann factor, superstatistics, code FAC, , cross section


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How to Cite

Dilmi, S., Khalfaoui, F. and Boumali, A. 2022. The Effects of Superstatistics Properties on Hot Plasma. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 5 (Oct. 2022), 9342–9346. DOI:


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