Design and Implementation of a Long Range Wireless Data Acquisition System for Photovoltaic Installation based on LoRa Technology


  • L. Boulemzaoud Electrical Engineering Department, Automation Laboratory, Setif 1 University, Algeria
  • S. Latreche Electrical Engineering Department, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, (UFAS1), Setif, Algeria
  • M. Khemliche Electrical Engineering Department, Ferhat Abbas Setif University 1, (UFAS1), Setif, Algeria


In this paper, a low power consumption long range wireless data acquisition system for PV installations, consisting of a set of sensors connected wirelessly with one or several monitoring/control systems was designed and implemented. The wireless communication between devices is based on LoRa technology. LoRa is a spread spectrum modulation technique derived from Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) technology. It offers a long-range low power wireless platform, suitable for professional wireless sensor network applications. The integration of this technology in PV installations provides an extensive, low cost, power-efficient, and easy to maintain, system. Design, high-layer communication protocol, and hardware implementation of sensors are discussed. The sensor set consists of a voltage/current sensor, a sun irradiance sensor, a panel position sensor based on an accelerometer/magnetometer for sun tracking installations, a temperature and humidity sensor, and a mobile monitoring system.


Photovoltaic system, Data acquisition, LoRa Sensor, Wireless sensor network, accelerometer, magnetometer, irradiance


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How to Cite

Boulemzaoud, L., Latreche, S. and Khemliche, M. 2022. Design and Implementation of a Long Range Wireless Data Acquisition System for Photovoltaic Installation based on LoRa Technology. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 12, 2 (Apr. 2022), 8473–8481. DOI:


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