Integrated Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Model with Redundancy for Cutting Tools on a Single Machine


  • L. S. Tavassoli Department of Industrial Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
  • N. Sakhavand Department of Industrial Manufacturing and Systems Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
  • S. S. Fazeli Department of Industrial and System Engineering, Wayne State University, USA
Volume: 10 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 6542-6548 | December 2020 |


In this paper, we present an integrated multi-objective framework of a single machine for a single cutting tool problem. Our maintenance policy is based on performing minimal repairs in case of a minor failure and Preventive Maintenance (PM) to avoid a major failure that results in the replacement of the tool. This framework allows simultaneous optimization of the two conflicting time and cost objectives. A redundant system is proposed as a part of the model to assist the production line under a major failure. In addition, the tool’s preventive maintenance time is synchronized with the completion of the machine tool’s work cycle to reduce the machine’s set-up time. The model was optimized using a customized Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). An experimental study based on real-market data was conducted and the results were compared with the ones obtained from classical methods.


preventive maintenance, redundancy, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, time and cost trade-off, maintenance scheduling, multi-objective optimization


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How to Cite

Tavassoli, L.S., Sakhavand, N. and Fazeli, S.S. 2020. Integrated Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Model with Redundancy for Cutting Tools on a Single Machine. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 10, 6 (Dec. 2020), 6542–6548. DOI:


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