RSW Junctions of Advanced Automotive Sheet Steel by Using Different Electrode Pressures


  • A. Alzahougi Faculty of Technology, Karabuk University, Karabuk, Turkey
  • M. Elitas Faculty of Technology, Karabuk University, Karabuk, Turkey
  • B. Demir Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Karabuk University, Turkey
Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 3492-3495 | October 2018 |


Based on this study, the effects of the different types of welding currents and electrode pressures on the tensile shear properties of the resistance spot welding (RSW) which are the joints of the commercial DP600 sheet steel are now been investigated. In addition to the fact that the electrode pressure is not much of a popular piece or topic of discussion in the literature, the expression of the mechanical properties of these commercial materials (most importantly in the DP and in the high strength steels). These factors that are known to be affecting the strength of the material are dispute. In the tensile shear tests of this welded joints; the tensile shear force and the maximum displacement were utilized to characterize the performance of the welding processes. The nugget diameter has been measured to create a clear definition of the RSW physical properties. The experimental results show that the tensile shear load bearing capacity is bond to increase as the electrode pressure increases based on a value in both the welding currents and the decrease at the higher values. The low current value at low and at the highest electrode pressures; during the high current value which could be at the middle of the electrode pressure values it can exhibit the superior mechanical properties. The effect of this electrode pressure on the tensile shear load bearing capacity is bond to increase as the welding current increases as well. This, also been assessed and examined based on the low carbon content.


DP600, RSW, electrode pressure, tensile shear force, mechanical properties


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How to Cite

Alzahougi, A., Elitas, M. and Demir, B. 2018. RSW Junctions of Advanced Automotive Sheet Steel by Using Different Electrode Pressures. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 8, 5 (Oct. 2018), 3492–3495. DOI:


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