A Study on the Evaluation of the Compression Behavior of PLA Lattice Structures Manufactured by FDM


  • Dragos Gabriel Zisopol Mechanical Engineering Department, Petroleum-Gas University Ploiesti, Romania
  • Mihail Minescu Mechanical Engineering Department, Petroleum- Gas University Ploiesti, Romania
  • Dragos Valentin Iacob Production Department, Marelli Ploiesti Romania, Romania
Volume: 13 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 11801-11806 | October 2023 | https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6262


The paper brings forward the results of a study on the compression test of 28 lattice structures made of PLA by FDM, with the height of the deposited layer at a pass of Hs = 0.20 mm and 50% filling percentage Pu. The 28 samples were made on Anycubic 4 Max Pro 2.0 the 3D printer, considering 7 filling patterns: Grid, Tri-hexagon, Octet, Triangles, Cubic subdivision, Gyroid, and Cross 3D for each type of lattice structure. The dimensions of the specimens, before and after the compression test, were determined using the DeMeet 3D coordinate measuring machine. In this context, a minimum printing accuracy value of 98.98% and a maximum deformation value of 57.70% were recorded for the lattice structure corresponding to the Triangles fill pattern. For the same Triangles type lattice structure, the highest average maximum compressive force of 87.32 kN was obtained. The maximization of the ratio between the use value and the production cost, one of the fundamental technical-economic principles of value analysis, was obtained for the lattice structure corresponding to the Cubic subdivision filling model.


FDM, PLA, lattice structure, infill pattern, slicer, compression, experimental tests, value analysis


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How to Cite

Zisopol, D.G., Minescu, M. and Iacob , D.V. 2023. A Study on the Evaluation of the Compression Behavior of PLA Lattice Structures Manufactured by FDM. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research. 13, 5 (Oct. 2023), 11801–11806. DOI:https://doi.org/10.48084/etasr.6262.


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