Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) for Spacers in Gas Insulated Systems: A Concise Review and Some Comments
Received: 10 September 2021 | Revised: 7 October 2021 | Accepted: 12 November 2021 | Online: 11 December 2021
Corresponding author: M. Danikas
Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) present a solution to control electrical stresses in high voltage applications. In this paper, a concise review is presented on the FGMs for spacers in gas-insulated systems. FGMs offer the possibility of a more even electric field distribution and thus a viable solution for industrial applications. FGMs are investigated here primarily as materials for permittivity control. Some aspects of FGMs are discussed as well as some thoughts on future challenges.
gas insulated systems, dielectric constant, permittivity, triple junction point, dielectric strength, functionally graded materials, fillers, microfillers, nanofillersDownloads
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